MOVIES the extension must be ".avi", all LOWER CASE Their default thumbnail is reffered to in $dg_movie_file in locate.php HOW TO ADD A NEW SEARCH PARAMETER IN THE BROWSING By parameter I mean any argument(s) on the url that can effect how/which pictures are displayed in the browse screens. edit the file inc/list.php 0) Decide whether this is going to be a Pool (like year, movies, items) or an Option (like rating). The difference is that you can only view one Pool at a time, but many Options may be in effect. 1) Edit function load_by_form() to load your new paremeter into the list object I.E. $this->movie = $_REQUEST['movie']; 2) Edit function check_for_safety() to make sure that value is safe I.E. if (!is_numeric($this->movie)){ echo 'ERROR'; exit; } 3) Edit function set_to_default() to recognize your new parameter, if needed. set_to_default() changes an overly-general list (so far, only ones with no parameters) to ones where $this->year == numeric_interval 2004 to 2004. 4) Edit function describe() if needed so that a list with your parameter is described in an English sentence. 5) To make your parameter have an effect: If it is an Option, edit the $this->upc() function, and ONLY that! (Universal Photo Condition) If it is a Pool, then do some of the following -- Edit function query(), perhaps by adding something to the $where clause -- Edit function data_tree if you need to. (this is used by browse_html and step) 6) If your paramter is an Option, you want it to be remembered when the user switched Pools, so -- Edit function options_url() to encode information about your parameter -- Edit function options_hidden_input() (if it exists) 7) If your parameter is a Pool, you want it to be remembered when the user switches Options (e.g. he is looking at your vacation pictures (Pool) and then changes the rating (Option). So... -- Edit function pools_url() to encode information about your parameter -- Edit function pools_hidden_input() to do the same 8) To make it easy for people to use your parameter: -- Edit function browse_html()